Monday, May 11, 2009

Magazine project update...

So the concept for my magazine seems to have changed...
After a good discussion in class last week I decided to change directions with the mag project. I am now going to pursue a Mag about stuff I like. I love Eames furniture, so guess what there will be an article on that with a few spreads to go with it. Next I love architecture so another article will be on that. And lastly my neighbor a awesome abstract painter will grace the last article and spread, I hope to shoot the images for that, but thats the idea now.
I've gathered images and sketched out some layouts, but there also I've been inspired by not only Miss Trudo (remember the whole puking thing) but I also was lucky to hear Plasm talk about their mag and also got a few mags to look through and they have a different layout on every spread and thats my inspiration to have a highly creative and visually stimulating mag project.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Magazine project:

So I'd like to work a local magazine. I've been looking at Portland Monthly/Portland Spaces.
I've disected a few pages of both to begin to understand their layouts (examples in this post). The reader/audience are Portlanders obviously but a range or portlanders, from the wealthy to the lower end of that spectrum, to youger and older peoples. the goal will be to make a contemporary "portland" style magazine with class and an edge as well. Images will be very important to capture a reader with the visual as wel as the writing. Colors seem to be quite saturated, bright and fun. The sense of "Local" mean alot to Portlander also so I will need to keep a focus on that as well. I'm looking forward to this project, to work with 12-20 pages will be fun and book/mag making has been going on alot this term and my skills are starting to get there and I'm really satified with the actual making process as well as the "Designing" that usually takes up all of the time, I'm a hands on sort of guy and craft is probably one of my strengths.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Here are some of the print spreads of the final book. Much was reworked the graphic elements were completely re-done to be consistent with variation and repetition thats both visually pleasing but also telling a narrative. guiding the reader was also thought out and the images and graphics lead the reader through the story and the time frame.